• info@divinemercyhnrc.co.zw |
  • +263 773 526 350 / +263 787 256 456



Devine Mercy primary objective is to facilitate the social development process in Zimbabwe communities through community volunteer work. Our volunteering Zimbabwe work encompasses several sectors of sustainable social development, from education, medical projects and livelihood support.some of the most diverse and rewarding volunteering experiences, providing volunteers to get involved with a huge range of activities. You might choose to help educational efforts and teach in community centers or at schools working with children from poor backgrounds. This can be really rewarding where you will get to help students learn, seeing them improve their English and literature will be a magical experience.


Background Traditional medicine has remained as the most affordable and easily accessible source of treatment in the primary healthcare system of resource poor communities in Zimbabwe. The local people have a long history of traditional plant usage for medicinal purposes. Despite the increasing acceptance of traditional medicine in Zimbabwe, this rich indigenous knowledge is not adequately documented. Documentation of plants used as traditional medicines is needed so that the knowledge can be preserved and the utilized plants conserved and used sustainably. The primary objective of this paper is to summarize information on traditional uses of medicinal plants in south-central Zimbabwe, identifying research gaps and suggesting perspectives for future research. Methods This study is based on a review of the literature published in scientific journals, books, reports from national, regional and international organizations, theses, conference papers and other grey materials. Results A total of 93 medicinal plant species representing 41 families and 77 genera are used in south-central Zimbabwe. These plant species are used to treat 18 diseases and disorder categories, with the highest number of species used for gastro-intestinal disorders, followed by sexually transmitted infections, cold, cough and sore throat and gynaecological problems.


Zimbabwe has an estimated total population of 15.2 million of which 32% are 10-24 years old (Census, 2022). • One of the most serious public health and socio-pathological threats facing adolescents and young people is substance abuse, which has long term impacts on their wellbeing and future.1 • Risky and escalating behaviour by adolescents and young people includes drug and alcohol abuse, as well as unprotected sexual practices. • Reports of substance abuse practices among Zimbabwean adolescents and young people are frequently reported by several groups and organisations, including the Government, media, civil society, schools, churches, family support groups, United Nations agencies.Consumption of alcohol, drugs and other substances starts as early as adolescence. While the youngest user in the ZCLDN study was 14 years old, the median age of first drug use was 18 years old. This is comparable with findings from YAZ where the youngest Alcohol Drug and Substance Abuse (ADS) user was 15-year-old. According to the MDS study the youngest user was 10 years old, and the 10-18 years old is the most vulnerable age group.

4.MUHAG (Munic Harare Arts Gathering) :

MUHAG started out in 2019 when a group of musician friends organized a concert weekend in Harare. The funding used had been granted originally to Jochen by the City of Munich to perform a concert at the Harare International Festival of Arts together with a local pianist. HIFA was eventually canceled, which was a big blow for performing artists, and with help from Goethezentrum and Alliance Francaise Harare as well as NATCAZ, we launched this grassroots initiative to provide an artistic platform in difficult times and not give in to the circumstances. This festival was not even laid out to be profitable for anyone, it also attracted little audience only due to a cold snap on the MUHAG weekend. But it made an impact, as people noticed the community spirit that drove the project. The participating musicians were immediately asking for a next edition and the team managed to stay in touch. Even the WhatsApp group used to promote the event is still active today. However, it quickly became clear that 2019 had only been a one time opportunity. Discussions were held about a possible future for the project. Our idea is to become a hub for artists in the twin cities who are interested in collaboration, link them up and help them carry out their own projects through our experience and contacts. We also want to extend the project to other art forms apart from music. But an occasion was needed to get going again. With the 25th anniversary of the city partnership, we seized the opportunity and are now finally preparing our new edition MUHAG 2021, which we had been hoping for since two years. This time musicians from both cities are involved. Due to Corona, the festival will take place online. And again we are following the community approach by relying on local venues and actors who offer public viewings. The future of the initiative is still open. We are hoping for propositions from people who want to engage in artistic collaborations between the twin cities or to perform in this scope. All art forms are welcome. Also we hope to get more sponsors and support from the community.

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